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Display ads

With few exceptions, display ads of any kind can be placed in any edition of The Jerusalem Post. For many purposes the weekend supplements - In Jerusalem, Metro, Magazine and Billboard are excellent candidates for display ads.

In addition, The Jerusalem Post publishes magazines with promotional content specialized on matters of interest such as Health, Good Life, and Investment etc. from time to time. Advertisers in these magazines might (in certain cases and with some conditions) get a much desired free write-up making the advertising even more effective.

If you are interested in advertising, contact us and we shall let you know whenever a magazine which might intereste you is about to be published.

Who needs display ads ?

If you are a service provider or have a business and you aim to increase your turnover you should seriously consider placing display ads in The Jerusalem Post.

If you are in charge of PR of an Israeli or Jewish institution or organization you should definitely be aware of the possibilities. Your organization might want to reach the English speaking residents of Israel and Jewish people around the world who read the various editions of The Jerusalem Post.

Anyone who wants to communicate with English speakers in Israel such as new immigrants, foreign business people, diplomats and tourists for business, political, educational, cultural or any other reasons must consider The Jerusalem Post as their prime media.

How to proceed

Call us on +972 2 673-3369 or contact us at to get all the information about the options, terms and to book your advertising. Preparing the ad to your liking and approval is an international procedure; therefore you should allow adequate time. Please also bear in mind that the sooner you book your advertising the better chance there is to place your ad in your preferred location.

We shall


The cost of advertising depends on (1) the size of the ad, (2) placement of the ad, (3) the number of insertions and (4) whether the ad is in color or black and white.

We can offer you the best advertising deals.


The size of your ad might spread over two pages, a full page, be one inch high, or anything in between. The unit to measure display ads is "1 inch" which is a box one column wide and one inch (2.54 cm) high You should be aware that the sizes of pages and the widths of columns vary a lot between newspapers and sometimes even sections or parts of the same media. You can see the sizes of The Jerusalem Post editions and publications here.


If you place a series of ads in The Jerusalem Post you will be eligible for bonus ads. For instance, following 5 paid ads you will get a bonus ad of the same size.

Some important considerations

The most important factor to be considered when advertising is the targeting in order to reach the desired audience. In this respect, being the most widely read English language newspaper, targeting a high socio-economic public, The Jerusalem Post has a unique standing. Moreover, many readers of The Jerusalem Post are not exposed to the Hebrew media.

Bigger ads are more noticeable and give a more prestigious impression. After saying that bigger ads are more noticeable, and therefore preferable we must stress that the frequency of advertising is even more important than the size of the ad. If your advertising budget is limited you should definitely reduce the size of your ad but rather advertise a smaller ad frequently.

The graphic layout and the headline of an advertisement should have a teasing effect to grab the reader's attention. The so called copy (body of the ad) should raise interest, create desire and call to action. Making an effective advertising campaign requires not only graphic creativity but also careful wording.

We at Jerusalem Media will help you make your advertising in The Jerusalem Post or any Hebrew newspaper be effective so that it will work for you.